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Questions and Answers


Q: What if my baby cries during the massage?

A: If your baby cries do not worry, they may not be in the mood for a massage.  You will be given information with the massage routine on to take home so you can sit and observe or sooth the baby and carry on.  They may be tired or hungry.


Q: Can I massage my baby if they are asleep?

A: No, it is not advised to massage your baby if they are sleeping.  This is because they can’t communicate with you.  The best stage for your baby to be in is the quiet alert stage.


Q: What if my baby is unwell?

A: If your baby is unwell I ask you don’t bring them to the session, as we don’t want to make the other babies poorly.  Even at home massage isn’t advised if they have a fever.


Q: My Baby has just had an injection.  Is it OK to massage them?

A: No. Massage is not advised until 72 hours after any immunization.


Q: My Baby suffers from eczema can they have massage?

A: If the eczema is very sore and inflamed then it is best not to irritate the skin any more but otherwise yes, as long as the skin isn’t broken massage is fine.  You may prefer to bring your own emollient cream with you if your child has particularly sensitive skin, although the organic sesame seed oil is perfectly safe.


Q: Is the oil provided safe?

A: Yes, it is organic sesame seed oil so it is fine if the baby sucks their fingers with the oil on.  It is very gentle on the skin, but if you are in any doubt please feel free to bring your own but please no NUT based oil.


Q: Why is it not advised that I use scented oils?

A: It is best to avoid scented oil as we have a natural smell and the baby recognising yours is part of the bonding process and strong smells may interfere with this.Q: Is massage safe for my baby and are there any risks?


Q: Is massage safe for my baby and are there any risks?

A: Massage is safe for most babies.  There are certain contraindications to baby massage, which can be found at the bottom of this page.  If you are in any doubt consult our pediatrician or GP for further advice.


Q.  How do I book an initial consultation?

A.  If you’re looking to book a please click on this link                                          or phone Sheena on 0432364084 and you call or text message will be returned within 48 hrs

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